Podzilla 1985

Tuesday, August 26, 2014

The Filthy Casual and Super Game Over Show BRING THE PAIN

With all of this talk about Gamestop closing and Sin City 2 bombing at the box office (wtf), it's easy for me to lose sight of some very important people who continue to do some very cool things. I guess I have one more thing to blame Gamestop for!


Kat continues her tireless crusade against dinosaurs, animals, people, and puzzles with new updates to her Tomb Raider "Let's Play!" series. There's an Obelisk, a Sanctuary, and a Mine for you to follow her into as she and Lara move closer to what I'm assuming is the Ark of the Covenant and face melting Nazi's.

And of course, you can catch up with her previous videos on her YouTube page, which is conveniently linked right here!


The hardest working boys in the business continue their mad schedule of gaming videos with a tasty assortment of classic and not so classic games.

Come marvel at forgotten treasures like Jackie Chan Action Kung Fu on NES, the original DOOM, Sonic Adventures 2, Megaman 9, and so many other titles that you'll wonder what the hell else they do with their free time!

And to check up with all of the other videos The Boys (TM) have been working on, check out their YouTube page! Where? Right here, you silly cacodemon!

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